Wednesday, September 16, 2009

where is it you don't wanna' go...

The problem with having a big hole in your leg is the buggers won't let you heal.

Here I was, several weeks after the thing was excised out of me, having put up with "nurses" (occasionally even my wife) stuffing the strangest of stuff into the abyss, when the hole decided to start to heal, that is, grow smaller, as in it's about time i started to close this hole because i am sick and tired of things being poked into me/myself/i... anyway, THE DECISION was made (not by me) that, perhaps, it would be better if the hole was made larger again, so MORE stuff could be packed in.

Forget any thought of personal independence on this one. Off to the cackling Doctor I went, who cheerfully cut an incision with a razor blade, and used scissors to trim the skin around the hole - to prevent any quick healing, so as to promote more pain when more stuff was packed in. At least he numbed the area with 2 shots of whatever numbing agent it is that "they", in the medical profession, use before inflicting the fore-mentioned procedure. Personally, a quart of booze ingested over ice and mixed with tonic water would have been a more patient-friendly numbing agent, but what do I know...


  1. It was quite alarming to watch the doc take little scissors and trim your skin from your leg. I was glad you were numb at the time.

    I'm sure it's ouchy, though.

  2. Arrgh! How annoying!

    Stupid evil doctors and their stupid evil ways.

  3. I could have skinned you. I've done skinning before.
