Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The meek shall inherit... (2)

I want to quote from a theology book I am currently reading:

The sixth commandment is in these terse words: "Thou shalt not kill." Its obvious scope is the preservation of life. It forbids all that unrighteously assails our own and others' lives, and enjoins all suitable means for the preservation of both. This command is based upon these two great truths: that life is God's gift, and therefore to be abridged or taken away only at His command; and that life is of supreme value to every man. In robbing a man of life, you would virtually rob him of every valuable thing which life includes. It is committing against a fellow-man every species of robbery in one. The Scriptures also ground the prohibition of taking man's life on his likeness to God. Genesis 9:6b, "For in the image of God made He man." James 3:9 also founds the lesser sin of slander and reviling partly on the same fact. Man's rational, moral and immortal nature is the chief glory of his being; it reflects the glory of God's. Hence, to invade this being is at once the most enormous wrong against the creature, and an act of impiety against God." (end of quote.)

Let this be an advisory to those who let their lives be (overly) influenced by those who seek to tear down or attack others - in whatever guise (though I suspect that "The truth must be told!" is the most common and self-satisfying.)

Those who know me best know that from time to time I like to stir up the pot, but to the best of my knowledge I have never engaged in a personal vendetta against someone who has (for whatever reason - just or unjust) offended me. I may have quietly stewed, or may have encouraged my family not to socialize too readily but to draw back and consider, and above all else, gone to the Scripture for both solace and wisdom.

Oh, tell me the struggle to be meek! "Been there, done that" - not quite! I must confess - and note the word "confess" - that I do have a hit list, that is people on whom I do not wish God's blessings, yet I believe as my meekness grows, the list is smaller, plus I do not get as surprised anymore when others - ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS - disappoint me.

I just hope and pray that when (not if) I disappoint THEM, they have more meekness than I...


  1. You DO quietly stew! But I have seen you go to the Scriptures for solace time and again. And after a bit, you're your old sunny (grouchy) self!

    Thanks for the reminder that reviling someone is akin to murder. We ought not to do it.

  2. Yes, it seems as if character assassination is all right, whereas physical assassination is not. James 3 talks of the source behand the inflamed tongue as being the very fires of Hell. It should be extremely sobering to us.

  3. Interesting, you mentioned your list getting smaller, is this because of some activities we do not know about? :D

    Another battle field where we are to wage the war on self, good reminder.

  4. War on self!
    Campaign against ungodliness!
    Strap on that Armour!
    In the name of the King!
