Now, before I, or anyone else for that matter, gets too hung up on the idea of "democracy", it must be noted that democracy is not the same thing as "liberty". Democracy, in its simplest terms, is the will of the majority. Perhaps the most startling example of this is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Was the decision to do so not based on the (some would say misguided) will of the majority? In that context was not the liberty of Jesus curtailed by democracy? Indeed, is not personal liberty at ALL TIMES, in Western Society (being understood as "democratic"), curtailed by the very notion of "democracy" in action?
The American Patrick Henry on March 23, 1775 ended a rousing speech with the famous line; " I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
(As perhaps an interesting aside, the word "democracy" does not appear in the Bible. The word "liberty" appears 25 times, though there are several underlying meanings translated to the single word "liberty".)
Nevertheless, liberty must also have constraints! Another American, Dean Russell, said: "... personal freedom cannot exist without individual responsibility."
There's that "r" word again - responsibility! The bigger question remains - responsible to whom? Polonious belched out "This above all: To thine own self be true." (Hamlet, Act 1 scene iii)
Chew on those quotes for a while - my next blog will look at some thoughts regarding true liberty, the topic for consideration will be: true liberty is living as we should not as we please.
Wow! A post!! Awesome quotes.